Tuesday, August 24, 2010

96. What goes up, must come down...

But I'm tenacious; I may be down, but I'm not out, not yet.

I still feel crummy and have been working on my recipe database because I can do that more in a semi remote control fashion.

After taking public transit to get my car, I drove to the pharmacy to pick up the 2 prescriptions that my fill-in primary care doctor sent in electronically yesterday. But it turns out that one of them isn't covered by my insurance. It wasn't expensive, something like $13, and earlier this spring I paid out of pocket for prescription strength vitamin D more than once. But I can't swing it now.

So I've been trying to get that taken care of, but I just found out that the doctor wasn't even in today, which explains why I hadn't heard back yet. Meanwhile, he said I should see my dermatologist. I'd called him yesterday morning and again today but no one has called back from that office. So then I used their electronic system to get some messages across, and I also just made an appointment with him. The earliest I can see him is Saturday.

The other prescription that I did pick up is the methylprednisone dose pack, which I can't start till tomorrow since it's graduated dosage.

Meanwhile, the rash has spread a bit and my head still feels funny. I think there might be some internal effects of this whatever it is. I just feel crumby. I did a little work in the garden, but only what I really had to do, and mostly I've been working on the recipe database. But I also am working on my weekly med/supplement portioning out.

I just want to get better so I can try to work a little. I think some people (family, especially) think I don't even want to work. But I lost 2 good career jobs in the past 3 or so years because of health so I want to make sure I'm well enough to take a reasonable crack at it, part time to start with, since I do have health conditions I didn't have before. I think the pastor, the one who picked me up from the doctor's office yesterday since I couldn't drive after having the benadryl shot, wants me to bring something to the potluck Sunday. It's not that I wouldn't want to, it just that I'm not sure I'm going to be well enough to go to church even.

Since I don't really have much that I've been instructed to do for this rash other than the 3 prescriptions which either I don't have because my insurance won't cover it or I can't start till tomorrow. So in the meantime I've been getting a bit creative, although I have been communicating what I'm doing to my doctors (electronically or otherwise). I though, okay, it sounds like an antihistimine might be helpful. So I looked in my medicine cabinet and all I had along those lines are Nyquil and sudafed, which I'd tried over the weekend for th mild headache (I think I mentioned it on an earlier blog), so I didn't think that would work, although I could try taking 2 pills as they're not very strong. But I decided to try the Nyquil and it does seem to help a bit and hasn't even been making me drowsy! Go figure.

The other thing I've been trying is repurposing one of my rosacea prescriptions, MetroCream, and it also seems to be helping the topical aspects of whatever this is.

So that's an exciting day in the life of Meg. (Quit yawning! I might take offense.)

~ Meg

P.S. Another side effect - so to speak - of this rash is that now I don't want to put the electrodes on it, and I virtually ALWAYS put electrodes on my shoulder/neck/upper back area. I'm talking about the stimulator electrodes. I don't even want to think about doing that. Can you imagine? Maybe it would be like someone tickling on the rash. No thank you. The muscles there might be tense and underneath the rash their could be pain... but I don't need any electrodes tickling my rash. The rash on the front part of my torso does not interfere with my stimulator use, though, because I don't put electrodes there anyway (this isn't an EKG, after all).