Life Timeline

This is a work in progress.  I'll be adding to it from time to time to fill it out.

1960-1978: Birth through high school

1978-1982: Undergraduate studies
1980: Summer ministry with Soviet emigres
1981: 4 months in Europe

1982-1985: Bible school
1983: 6 months in Europe

1986-1987: Application to full-time mission and deputation (getting pledges of
financial and prayer support)

1987-1989: Mission work in Vienna

1989-1991: Recovering from Vienna & Beginning Master's studies

1991-1997: Living in Russia (with occasional extended visits to U.S.); finish
Master's from Russia; operate own teaching and translation business and also
teach in other institutions; try to find work in Europe but get no or strange
responses; feel work there is at dead-end

1997-2001: Living in USA, trouble finding full-time work

2002: Work full-time in South Korea, leave because of sexual harassment (molested
twice on subway)

2004-2005: Library science studies (Master of Arts in Library Sciences)
2005-2008: Working as a librarian
2007-present: Health problems, on disability