Saturday, August 28, 2010

101. Leave Continued

Today I saw the dermatologist, who wrote 2 new prescriptions for me and one over-the-counter medicine as well. He also ordered a blood test, which I'll do Monday when I'll be near a Lab Corp, where I go for blood tests (because my insurance prefers them).

Monday I see my primary care doctor and also allergy doctor. I got a call yesterday, though, that my regular allergy doctor won't be available, so someone else will see me in his place. I think I should also make an appointment with the neurologist because I'm still having some weakness and a little trouble walking.

It seemed like people were thinking this is an allergic reaction, and yesterday evening when I took my daily calcium-magnesium pill I felt worse, so after looking into it, I started wondering whether the magnesium oxide in that vitamin is to blame for all these rather sudden onset symptoms. I usually take a plain calcium supplement, but I think I started on this new bottle shortly before the symptoms started. But then my multivitamin also contains magnesium oxide, and I've never had this reaction before. Maybe it was just too much magnesium... or maybe I'm all wet and it's something else altogether. I looked online to find out more about the blood test the dermatologist is ordering and it looks like it's for checking into lupus, although it can be used for other things too.

The rash seems to be under control, but it's not going away. It's still on the same coverage area. It's just not as prominent and itchy. My face is still a bit puffy too.

So much for my grand plans to start looking for work... I haven't done anything on my autobiography.

I should probably mention, though, that I've had a couple nice conversations with mom in the last few days, so I'm glad about that. When I went to e.r. the other day I didn't tell any of my family because I consider I don't have an emergency contact now after what happened that landed me back here. I told mom today about it though.

I worked a (very) little bit in the garden. The left side is pretty barren now that I've taken the squash and cucumber plants out. There is mulch ground cover there though. And my lone stevia plant is standing tall and thriving in it's corner of my plot. I wish more plants were that easy to take care of! I will say though that the celosia seeds I planed seem to be really thriving, although they haven't bloomed yet. They're maybe 12 to 18 inches tall, but have full, healthy foliage. Underneath the air conditioner window unit I planted canterbury bells and they're growing fine, but now I see that they're getting infected with what looks like "leaf miners". That's been a common ailment too in my garden.

I think that's all for now.

~ Meg