Wednesday, September 15, 2010

110. Allergy Evidence

Seeing is believing right? Well, not always, as it turns out. That is, seeing can be thought of as very subjective, as in "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". And if you happen to be the biblical disciple Thomas, seeing might not be enough either, and you might have to actually touch Jesus' hands in order to believe that it was really Him risen from the dead.

I don't know what your persuasion is or your level of skepticism in general or regarding specific things, but here are a couple images to demonstrate my allergy symptoms.

My face, in the first picture, is fairly puffy. Can you tell? It's puffier now than it was earlier today and my lips are more swollen too. I don't know why it's worse now, though.

The second image shows what remains of the rash on my upper chest. Believe me, it was way more raised than it is now and now it's hardly itchy at all. However, I think that the rash is part of the heat sensitivity that I've had in conjunction with this allergy reaction (to what we don't know). Can you see that it's fairly red and there are little bumps? It was really raised when this first came on, and also spread out farther than it is now.

I'm taking 4 allergy medicines right now and it's still this bad. Can you imagine what it would be like without the medicines? I sure hope we can get to the bottom of this.

In any case, I seem to be feeling better overall since I got back on my allergy medicines a couple days ago. I actually did some browsing in stores today and some pilates exercises this evening. I really have to exercise because my fibromyalgia is getting more achy, which it does when I don't exercise enough. It was hard to exercise while I was feeling so badly being off the allergy medicines. At least I'm encouraged that maybe the weakness is connected with the allergy. My current theory/working hypothesis is that the allergy is causing inflammation and maybe that includes inflammation of nerves or something that is causing the weakness.

Sorry that these pictures are not very attractive (!). These really aren't very flattering pictures of me.

That's it for tonight I think...

~ Meg