Saturday, May 14, 2011

270. Miscellaneous Reprieve

I'm sorry about all these real-time interruptions, but that's my life, really. Here's the low-down on what's occupying me of late.

1) Condo search. I have to move now because of the inheritance (making me ineligible to stay where I am, although they would give me some time to move). I feel a bit pushed though because my back is getting worse, so at some point I'm not going to be well enough to look any more. Already I can't do lifting, which means I might find the condo but not be able to move until I'm better.

2) My back. My back pain is gradually increasing, although it's still nothing 50 mg. of constant tramadol can't keep in line at this point. I see the rheumatologist Tues. and the neurosurgeon Wed. so I should have a good idea by the end of the week what might happen next.

Other than that I've become more convinced that something is wrong with my taste buds now. I first noticed it a few weeks ago when eating a saltine cracker to help swallow pills (get them down) and I thought the cracker tasted funny. Now any kind of saltine or oyster cracker and the like, even ones I know are fresh all taste in that same funny way. So I think it's something with my salt receptors or something along those lines. I don't eat a lot of salt otherwise and so it might not be so evident in my regular eating, I suppose. Anyway, I need to have that checked out too.

Along with the increased lower-mid back pain, which girds my waist (rather than radiating down my legs - although I do have some increase pain in my legs which could also be the fibromyalgia reacting to my increasing leg weakness). I'm especially having trouble with my left leg, as is evident in physical therapy. Left leg raises to the side are hard to do.

Other than that, I've been neglecting a lot of things, such as cooking, cleaning, bill paying, errands (like oil change for the car and picking up a prescription at the pharmacy). The condo search has been taking a lot of time but the realtor seems really dedicated to helping me find something, so he's working long hours, and that means I also an occupied long hours at it too. Since I do feel some pressure because of my health decline (again) I'm sort of glad we're working so intensely on it, but I need to try to catch up on some things this weekend.

I think that's about it. I still have the organizational behavior file open, though, to work on as soon as I can.