Tuesday, May 10, 2011

269. Still Reprieve

I haven't forgotten this blog - it's just that I've been very busy. And Sunday my legs took a turn for the worse, which is in addition to Thursday night my autoimmune rash on my neck started getting worse again too. So I've been talking to and seeing doctors. Today my new dermatologist took a biopsy of the skin on the neck. And I was on the phone today with the physician's assistant for the neurosurgeon; I see the neurosurgeon next week. Yesterday while I was at BJ's (one of those box-store warehouse membership stores) when I felt the problem getting worse with my legs and it's continued through today too.

Then I've been still working on buying a condo, and tomorrow I'm going out with a realtor to see a bunch of places we've found that seem to meet all my basic criteria and otherwise look reasonably interesting. At this point I'm thinking that even if I bought something this week it's very likely that I might not actually be able to move until after a very likely lumbar surgery (I'm speaking from personal experience here, having had two spinal diskectomies and fusions already since 2008). When I was at BJ's yesterday, though, I very fortuitously found whole boxes of reasonably size and good quality to take home with me. I could have taken more I think, but at least it's a start and I can start sort of packing things up as I'm able. I can't do lifting though, so I won't be working on things like books at this point. I'm also hoping I can get a reasonable enough condo that I really like so that I will have enough money left over to do some of the things I want to fix it up.

I was supposed to spend Sunday afternoon with a friend, but she had to leave town on business, so I just kept myself busy, not wanting to think about it being Mother's Day. Saturday I got the rest of the funeral home notices that my brother in Seattle sent me, so yesterday I got them all in the mail, including a packet of other things too for a good friend of mom's husband (her friend died about a year ago), and also I sent the gift I'd gotten for mom for Mother's Day to the couple who let me stay with them while I was in Seattle for the funeral.

Meanwhile, I'm not getting caught up on household things, although I did manage to vacuum the other day. It's going on 1:00 and I still have one more thing to iron, but I'm too tired and I have a full day of looking at condos tomorrow, so that will just have to wait.

Anyway, as soon as I get a breather I'll get back to the regular posts on the organizational behavioral file.