Thursday, August 30, 2012

433. Addresses, Pt. 3

I didn't originally intend to post these addresses, but I don't think it's such a bad idea after all.  It was 30 or 40 of the general sort of larger missions that I wrote to before I went to Vienna.  Half of them didn't respond and most of them that did respond basically asked me if I was a spy or infiltrating their ranks or something.  Only a couple responded at all rationally and one of them was the mission I went to Vienna with. 

These mission were paranoid, really.  So that was the world we were working in and I guess that's what I entered when I arrived in Vienna.  At least that's one part, I guess of what might have been going on when I was there.

Friends in the West
3505 NE 115th
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 363-7560

Friends in the West
BCM Box 4550
London, WCIV 6XX

F.W. Faxon Co. Inc.
 15 Southwest Park
Westwood, MA 02090
(for info on East European nations write to)

Frese, Goran (Paulinum Student)
1241 Rauen
Chausseestr. 45
[He was among the friends I made at the Paulinum seminary in E. Berlin when I was studying German in W. Berlin in 1982.]

Finnish Bible Society
PO Box 253
00183 Helsinki 18

Greater European Mission (GEM)
Box 668
Wheaton, IL 60189
(312) 462-8050

 Eastern European Bible Institute
(Michael Johnson)
Postfach 145

A-1171 Wien, Austria
Lewinskygasse 30
A-1160 Wien

Glaube in der Zweity Welt (G2W)
Bergstrasse 6
CH-8702 Zollikon-Zurich
(01) 391-3748
[In my mind G2W and Keston College were the two leading centers in the world for acquisition, study, reporting and dissemination of information regarding religion in the Warsaw Pact and other nearby countries, like Yugoslavia and Albania.]

The Global Outreach Mission (their international headquarters)
Box 711
Buffalo, NY 14240

Global Outreach Mission
Box 1210
St. Catherines, Ontario L2R 7A7

The Gairdner Ministries
1660 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64108
(my notes say "muslims in USSR" so I think that was their focus)

Gateway Fellowship (Open Doors)
Hornsway House; 109 Abingdon Rd.
Standlake; Witney

Gypsies for Christ
4260 - 147th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

Mr. Trevor Harris (British SGA)
258 Pound Rd.
Oldbury, Warly
W. Midlands
England B68 8NQ

Hilfsaktion Martyrerkirche, e.V.
Postfach 1160
D-7772 Uhldingen-Muehlhofen1
07556, 6509 + 8337

Helsinki Watch (publishes prisoner directory)
205 East 42th St.
New York, NY 10017
(212) 867-7035

Hungarian Bible Society
P.O. Box 5
1440 Budapest XIV

International Representation, Inc.
Georgi P. Vins
P.O. Box 1188
Elkhart, IN 46515-1188

Institute for Bible Translation
Box 20100 S-10460
Stockholm, Sweden
08-94 54 14

In Touch Ministries
Bill Bathman, Presiden
 510 East Bell de Mar
Temple, AZ 85283
(602) 839-4747 (office)
(602) 839-2323 (home)

International Correspondence Inst.
Chausee de Waterloo, 45
1640 - St. Genese, Belgium
(Russian Lang. Bible Correspondence courses)

International Crusades
Box 203
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
(312) 870-3800

P.O. Box 30727
Seattle, WA 98103

I think that's enough for this time.  Isn't it amazing how much ministry was going on?  And so much of it was hush-hush, right?  But all these things were going on and people were doing all their various things and it all added up to quite an amazing amount of ministry when you think about it.  I still have a lot to go.