Friday, August 31, 2012

434. Addresses, Pt. 4

The thing is there is maybe a certain human rational for paranoia in ministry, but I have a problem with it in spiritual ministry.  After all God does say that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and sound mind (I Tim. 1: 7).

Now I know we are to use our God given intelligence and not tempt God, but we also are not to use the tools of the enemy, the tools of the world to do our ministry and a good part of my premesis is that the missions do exactly that.  So whereas their words, their teaching might be good, their actions might be attrocious and they could be quite perfect examples of "do as I say and not as I do."  Sometimes, though, not even do as I say might be recommended when the Bible is the gold standard.

I can't speak for how they act now in the world of missions to Muslim countries and still a few straggler Communist countries and a few other closed countries of various sorts, but I have little faith that things have improved over when the focus was on the East Bloc.  

Jesus to the Communist World
P.O. Box 38
St. Thomas, Ontario

Jesus to the Communist World, Inc.
P.O. Box 2947
Torrance, CA 90509
(213) 533-5872

Jews in the USSR (editor, Nan Greifer)
31 Percy St.
London W1P 9FG
(01) 580-0881 or 636-0536

Jednoto Bratska (Moravian)
Halkova 5
12000 Praha 2 Czech
241 347

John XXIII Center
2502 Belmont Ave.
Bronx, NY 10458
(Devoted to promoting a knowledge & understanding of Eastern Christianity)

Keston College
Heathfield Road
Keston, Kent BR2 6BA
Farnborough Kent 50116/7
[see my comments under G2W, previous post]

Krisotova Pentakostna Crkva
Ilica br. 200
41000 Zagrev, Yugoslavia

Kosciol Ewangelicko-Augsburgski (Lutheran)
ul. Miodowa zl
Warszawa, Poland
31 51/87

Kosciol Starokaloocki Mariowitow (Mariovite)
ul Wieczorka 27/29
Plock, Poland

Kosciol Metodyslczny
ul Mokolowska 12
00561 Warszawa Poland
28 53 28 or 28 53 48

Kosciol Kzymsko-Katolicki
ul Dziekanial
00279 Warszawa
31 96 62

Kirchenbund Evangelischen-reformierter Gemeinden in der DDR
Troendlinring 7
DDR 7010 Leipzig
Reformed/Free Reformed

Last Days Ministries
Box 40
Lindale, TX 75771-0040

Liebeswerk Kirche in Not
Postfach 1209
D-6240 Koenegstein 1
W. Germany

The Lausanne Committee for World Evantelization
P.O. Box 1100
Wheaton, IL 60189
(Occasional Papers)

Licht Im Osten
Missionsbund zur Ausbreitungdes Evangeliums, e. V.
Postfach 1240 (Kullenstr. 1)
D-7015 Korntal-Muenchigen 1
W. Germany

"Light in the East" c/o Leon Folds
184 Mars Hill Rd. N.W.
Powder Springs, GA 30073

Light in the East
c/o W. Rennett
5828 Sherbrooke St.
Vancouver, BC V5W cN1

Latvijas Evangeliska Luteriska Baznica (Lutheran)
Kirov 37-5
Latvian SSR

Lietuvos Evangeliku Liuteronu Baznycia
Lietuviu gatve 10
Lithuanian SSR

Lithuanian Methodist Church
Apteegi 3

Theo Lehmann, Pastor
9081 Karl-Marx Stadt
Wittgensdorferstr. 82
End Sun. every month 5 pm and 9 pm
[Then are the times/days when he had his famous youth meetings when young people came from all over the DDR to attend in his Lutheran cathederal.  I attended one time when I was studying in W. Berlin.  I'll discuss this when I get to this point in my auto biobraphy.]

Jim Lowden
Missionary Evangelism Association
4328 W. Parker
Chicago, IL
(312) 278-5556
[He was a mentor to me, but by the time I knew him he must have been in his 80s and had battled serious heart and cancer and was not able to work overseas any more, but his church was pretty much all Romanians.  He had now patience for missionaries who made compromises to their faith to work in difficult situations and he himself had worked in Greece before it became the free country it is now and also in other Balkan other countries.  He was a preacher and evangelist and also church planter.  He was not one to mince words, but he wasn't a gruff man either.  His faith was in God and not in some human machination to get the work of the Lord done.  I'm sure he's long gone on to be with the Lord by now.

Lifegate Tract Ministry
P.O. Box 891
Indianapolis, IN 46206
(Gospel material in foreign languages)

I'm sure I'm actually just touching the tip of the iceberg and there were many other things going on than I knew about, but this gives you an idea.  The things that are in-country addresses, such as denominational headquarters, you must understand would have been under some level cooperation with the government to exist, and that would have varied from country to country and even from denomination to denomination.  Some denominations may have been more favored within a country than another.

So I didn't have addresses and phone numbers (or only a handful) of unregistered Christianity and believers in the East Bloc when I went to Vienna to join the mission.  Still, I had done the research at a couple of the leading organizations, so I did have a good understanding, and I had read quite a bit and developed my own library on the subject as well.  So even if I didn't have specific addresses I still had a good idea what we were up against, and when you add that to my experiences before going to Vienna to join the mission, then that just compounds the understanding all the more.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

433. Addresses, Pt. 3

I didn't originally intend to post these addresses, but I don't think it's such a bad idea after all.  It was 30 or 40 of the general sort of larger missions that I wrote to before I went to Vienna.  Half of them didn't respond and most of them that did respond basically asked me if I was a spy or infiltrating their ranks or something.  Only a couple responded at all rationally and one of them was the mission I went to Vienna with. 

These mission were paranoid, really.  So that was the world we were working in and I guess that's what I entered when I arrived in Vienna.  At least that's one part, I guess of what might have been going on when I was there.

Friends in the West
3505 NE 115th
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 363-7560

Friends in the West
BCM Box 4550
London, WCIV 6XX

F.W. Faxon Co. Inc.
 15 Southwest Park
Westwood, MA 02090
(for info on East European nations write to)

Frese, Goran (Paulinum Student)
1241 Rauen
Chausseestr. 45
[He was among the friends I made at the Paulinum seminary in E. Berlin when I was studying German in W. Berlin in 1982.]

Finnish Bible Society
PO Box 253
00183 Helsinki 18

Greater European Mission (GEM)
Box 668
Wheaton, IL 60189
(312) 462-8050

 Eastern European Bible Institute
(Michael Johnson)
Postfach 145

A-1171 Wien, Austria
Lewinskygasse 30
A-1160 Wien

Glaube in der Zweity Welt (G2W)
Bergstrasse 6
CH-8702 Zollikon-Zurich
(01) 391-3748
[In my mind G2W and Keston College were the two leading centers in the world for acquisition, study, reporting and dissemination of information regarding religion in the Warsaw Pact and other nearby countries, like Yugoslavia and Albania.]

The Global Outreach Mission (their international headquarters)
Box 711
Buffalo, NY 14240

Global Outreach Mission
Box 1210
St. Catherines, Ontario L2R 7A7

The Gairdner Ministries
1660 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64108
(my notes say "muslims in USSR" so I think that was their focus)

Gateway Fellowship (Open Doors)
Hornsway House; 109 Abingdon Rd.
Standlake; Witney

Gypsies for Christ
4260 - 147th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

Mr. Trevor Harris (British SGA)
258 Pound Rd.
Oldbury, Warly
W. Midlands
England B68 8NQ

Hilfsaktion Martyrerkirche, e.V.
Postfach 1160
D-7772 Uhldingen-Muehlhofen1
07556, 6509 + 8337

Helsinki Watch (publishes prisoner directory)
205 East 42th St.
New York, NY 10017
(212) 867-7035

Hungarian Bible Society
P.O. Box 5
1440 Budapest XIV

International Representation, Inc.
Georgi P. Vins
P.O. Box 1188
Elkhart, IN 46515-1188

Institute for Bible Translation
Box 20100 S-10460
Stockholm, Sweden
08-94 54 14

In Touch Ministries
Bill Bathman, Presiden
 510 East Bell de Mar
Temple, AZ 85283
(602) 839-4747 (office)
(602) 839-2323 (home)

International Correspondence Inst.
Chausee de Waterloo, 45
1640 - St. Genese, Belgium
(Russian Lang. Bible Correspondence courses)

International Crusades
Box 203
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
(312) 870-3800

P.O. Box 30727
Seattle, WA 98103

I think that's enough for this time.  Isn't it amazing how much ministry was going on?  And so much of it was hush-hush, right?  But all these things were going on and people were doing all their various things and it all added up to quite an amazing amount of ministry when you think about it.  I still have a lot to go.

432. Addresses, Pt. 2

So the thing is that for me to have bothered to collect all these addresses could be understood many ways, I suppose, but among those, I think, are that it could mean that I was either dead serious in my preparations to become a missionary to Eastern Europe and understant that part of the world, or else I was intent on undermining the work there and using this information for disruptive purposes.  I assure you the reason was the former.

I've already discussed a lot here about how I had a reasonable grip on missions to Eastern Europe - although not as good a grip as I thought to find what I did in the Vienna mission, but I didn't gain that knowledge and understanding as an insider.  Well, some of it I did, but it wasn't enough because they didn't know how much I knew because I'd gained it on my own apart from the missions.  This includes skills as well as knowledge, skills like being able to carry oneself in Eastern Europe.

I'm skipping some addresses.

Christian Action for East-West Reconciliation  c/o Rev. Brian G. Cooper
21 Sims Close
Romford, Essex RMI 3QT

Christians Associated for Relationships w/Eastern Europe. (CAREE)
Dr. Paul Mojzes
Rosemont College
Rosemont, PA 19010

Communaute de Secours au Eglises Martyres Association Evangelique
Case Postale 57
CH-1211 Geneve 11
Boite Postale 226
F74104 Annemasse-cedex, France

Catacombes (ed. Sergiu Grossu)
B.P. 98
92405 Courbevoic Cedex
CC.P. 120629Z, Paris, France

Cirkev Ceskoslovenska Husitska [Hussite]
V.V. Kujbseva 5
16626 Praha-Dejvice, Czech.

Cirkev Starokatolicka [Old Catholic]
13000 Praha 3

Cirkev Bratska (Reformed)
Soukenicka 15
11000Praha 1

Chrzescijanska Rada Ekumenicza w Posce [a few letters are hard to make out]
ul Willowa 1
00790 Warszawa

Christian Solidarity International
Forchstrasse 280
Postfach 52
Zurich, Switzerland

Christian Action
3406 Brauer Court
Middleton, WI 53562

Evangelical Free Church of Hershey [my note: Russian Radio Bible Institute B.C.U.]
P.O. Box 82
Hershey, PA 17033

Eastern European Bible Mission
P.O. Box 198
47000 AD Roosendaal

EEBM (Hank Paulson)
P.O. Box 73
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(415) 825-4939

Eastern European Mission (Rev. Paul Peterson)
232 North Lk. Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101

EEM, Inc.
Midwest field rep: Bernanrd Kruse
1727 Cristal Lane
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
(312) 593-5139

EGLISI - Service de Presse de L'Eglise du Silence
Mr. Willy Fautre
40, rue de l'Enseignement
B-7490 Braine-Le-Comte
(067) 55-56-14

Dr. Elliott
Asbury College
Wilmore, Kentucky, 40390 
(collecting info on missions, etc. to Sov. bloc)

EESTI Evangeeliumi Luteriusu Kirik (Lutheran)
Raamatukogu Tn. 8
Estonian SSR

Evangelicka Cirkev Metodisticka
Jecna 19
12000 Praha 2

Ekumenicka Rada Cirkvi v Ceske Socialisticke Republice
Vitkova 13
18600 Praha 8 - Karlin

Evangelische Brueder - Unitaet: Distrikt Herrnhut (Moravian)
DDR 8709 Herrnhut

Evangelisch-lutherische (altluth) Kirthe in der DDR [old Lutheran]
Annen Str 53
DDR 1020 Berlin
2 79 35 83

The next one in the book is one I probably shouldn't have.  I'm positive it came from my summer short term ministry trip to  Vienna in 1982 on one of the trips I took into Eastern Europe.  I shouldn't have kept that address.  It's for a person and it says next to the person's address "lit deliveries."  So I'm not going to put it here.

Eastern European Evangelism
Gordon Balisky
PO Box 7078
Seattle WA 98133
(206) 546-3900

Evangelical Baptist Camp
R.R. 1, Box 131
Ashford, CN 06278
(203) 429-2743
(Russian & Ukrainian) [I had an interest in imigrant issues too]

Evangelism to Communist Lands
Box 303
Glendale, CA 91209

Evangelism to Communist Lands
Box 65899
Vancouver, BC V5N 5L3

East Bible Institute (Bible translations into USSR languages)
Box 8026
S-04 20 Stockholm 8

Europaeische Christliche Mission
Postfach 71
A-1234 Vien
(02236) 49983

East Europe Travel Agency
201 Wells
Chicago IL
(312) 332-7211

Evangelical Literature Overseas
289 Main Place
Carol Stream, IL
(312) 668-4747

Ecumenical Council of Churches
Dept. for Bible Work
Vitkova 13
18600 Prague 8, Czeck

So it's a little eclectic here, the different kinds of resources. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

431. Addresses, Pt. 1

I'm still working on the family cookbook.  (I still have the problem password changes to do, but I'm goind to work on them as I can while I move on to focus on the cookbook.).

But one thing I wanted to do was to come up with more material for creating passwords, and what better material than forein addresses, names and organizations!  So you just pick and choose bits and pieces of them and scramble them about and voila you have a new password.

But where was I to get such material?  Aha!  I just happened to have a little blue book from eons ago full of names and address of all kinds of things related to work in the East Bloc.  It was this book that I used to come up with my list of missions to write to before choosing a mission, before I went to Vienna.  So I thought I might share a few with you here.  It really is quite eclectic, though.  Also, there are some loose sheets that have additional addresses.

Aid to Russian Christians
130 Heathfield Rd.
Keston, Kent BR2 6BA

Aid to Russian Christians
Rurual Rte. 2, Box 51
Athens, IL 62613

Aid to the Church in Need
19362 El Toro Rd
P.O. Box 1000
El Toro, CA 92630

Aid to the Church in Need
3-5 North Street
Chichester, West Sussex
PO19 1LB England (The zip code looks off)
0243) 787-325

Autokefaleczny Kosciol Prawoslawny
ul Swierczewskiego 52

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in der DDR
August Str 80
DDR 1040 Berlin
Altkatholische Kirche in der DDR
Georg Str. 7
DDR 3270 Blankenburg
22-97 or 25-08

Asian Outreach
PO Box 9504
Fresno, CA 93792

A Bible for Russia  (my notes say: "E. Eur. as well as Russia")
P.O. Box 11335
Santa Ana, CA 92711 

Ayerow Christian Project, Inc. (my notes say: "info and Bible-based comment on
P.O. Box 10307                          religious and world affairs)
St. Pete. FL 33733

Austrian Bible Society
Breite Gasse 8
A-1070 Vienna, Austrua

American Bible Society     (my notes say: gospel material in foreign languages)
1865 Broadway
New York, NY 10023

Armenian Gospal Mission
P.O. Box 623
Pasadena CA 91102

American Scripture Gift
1211 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Bible Christian Union
Box 718
Lebanon, PA 17042

Barth, Reinhold A. (my notes say: "Romania)
908 Tower Lane
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
(312) 255-2367

(British) SGA
37A The Goffs
Eastbourne, Sussex BNZ1 1HF England

13 Strehlgasse, Postfach 33
A-1197 Wien

Baptistka Crkva
Pelo Pelovsky 63
1303 Sofia 3, Bulgaria

Bulgarskata Pravoslavna Crkva
Oboriste 4
Sovia, Bulgaria

Bund Evangelisch Freikirchlichen Gemeinden in der DDR
Gubener Str. 80
DDR 1040 Berlin

Biserica Luterana din Romania (my notes say: "Lutheran, German speaking)
General Magheru 4
3079, 1780, 3609

Biserica Luterana Ungara din Romania
Kossuth Lajos 1

Biserica Ortodoxa Romania
Palatul Patriarchiei

Bicerica Pentecostala Lui Dumnezeu Apostolica
Carol Davila 81
49 26 26

Biserica Remormata Din Romania
(Note: the address isn't clear on this one)

Brian Bounds (my notes: new letter; ministry to travelers to E. Eur. & their own teams)
5084 Grossgmain
Salzburg 272 Austria

Bibles for the World
Int'l Headquarters: 13000 Crescent St.
P. O. Box 805
Wheat, IL 60189-9985

Baptista Teologiai Sziminarium
Tapolcsanyi u.7
Budapest 11

Baptisticka Teoloska Skola
Micurinova 1
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Belgian Bible Society
Rue Dautzenberg 36-38
B-1050 Brussels

British and Foreign Bible Society
146 Queen Victory St.
London EC4V 4BX

Bible Societies in the GDR
Kraustr. 52
GDR-1017 Gerlin

Bible Society in Greeze
3 Nicodemcu St.
105 57 Athens

British & Foreign Bible Society in Poland
Nowy Swiat 40
00-363 Warsaw

Bible Society of Yugoslavia
Marsala Tita 26
11000 Belgrade

I think that's enought for now.  If I see that there's interest in this I might continue posting some more.  Most of this would be just of historic interest, I think, but there could be some that might still functional.