Saturday, July 28, 2012

430. Reprieve Continues

It's sort of amazing that there are still people interested in my blog even through I haven't written anything in so long.  I'm afraid it'll still be a little while longer before I'll be able to write anything of substance.

I'm able to sit longer now, because my back doesn't hurt so much.  The fentanyl patch helped and then when I got the Botox injections for the nonstop 24/7 migraine then the pain medicines (fentanyl included) I thing were able to cover other parts of the body more.  I'm also walking better, able to go without a cane for short distances.  Actually, ballance is probably the biggest issue there, and the migraine is just as much of a problem as is the spinal induced balance problems.  As of last Wed. I'm off physical therapy because I haven't made any progress there in the past couple weeks, so I was sent home with a lot of good instructions and best wishes and now the ball's in my court. 

Doctor's are sending me to specialists who don't take insurance, and I'm on a limited budget, so I'm having to make some serious decisions here and it's kind of tough.

On other fronts when I was really tired and I was pushed trying to do something I had to get done on the computer and I was tired of fighting this particular problem on the computer, so I decided I wanted a company called "Computer Geeks" who come in your home to fix your computer, because it was a network-related thing.  Anyway, being exhausted and not in best form because of my various conditions, especially things involving mental issues, like migraine and fibromyalgia, I did a Google search and tooke the first one that popped up and it ended out, I later realized, being am imitator of them and I got caught up in a scam.  So it's been a mess trying to clean up after it and they basically had full and total control of my computer for 12 hours and it's not the usual remote control - this was a case where they had absolute control and the only thing I could do was unplug it or take the battery out, nothing else had any effect at all on my end and I couldn't see that they were doing anything on their end.  I could call them until 5:30 and they seemed nice enough but gave excuses as to why nothing was happening and then they said their techs would be their till 10 pm and they gave me a couple after hour extensions and I called both of them and only got voice mails and the message said that someone would get back to me as soon as they could, but no one ever did, so the second time I called I said I wanted my money back and I wanted out, because by that time I was sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that there couldn't be any way they could be honest.  I kept trying to believe them, but that was too much.  I did get my money back because it hadn't yet gone through my credit card, so we put a stop on it.  But they had access to all the information on my computer so I'm assuming that I need to change all my financial information and log ins and anything I wouldn't want prying eyes to see.  I'm not ready to post my social security number on this blog, for instance.

It's been sort of overwhelming for me, because I can't handle a lot going on at one time.  But I'm beginning to see it settle down a little.  I won't say I'm quite out of the tunnel, because there still is the possibility of surprises popping up.  I did bring my computer in to Staples (a large office supply store), though, to be serviced and checked out for anything unusuall after what had happened and they did a thorough check and didn't find anything, so that's good.  And they don't service Outlook, which was one of my problems, so they gave me a phone number to call and now I have a year-long contract with a company to help me out with any of my computer issues, and I've been on the phone with them hours and hours the past 3 days getting the original problems resolved that I wanted to call the Geek Squad about in the first place.  But I think this is a better resolution for me than the Geek Squad, because I can call them up whenever I have a problem.  So hopefully some of the things that I need to get done on the computer will get done more smoothly now at least.  So that's one load off my shoulder.

Since I've been able to sit longer, though, I've started going to church some.  It's been hard being so couped up at home. 

I guess that's all for now.  As soon as I get the compromising of my computer dealt with (changing log ins/passwords), then I'm going to focus on the family heritage cookbook.  I had Botox shots not long ago, as I just mentioned, so that helps my migraine and my concentration, so I'd better try to get as much done on that as I can.  That has gone way to long and my family's patience is wearing thin.  They don't understand at all and they don't see me here.  My brothers are belittling me for sure (I don't hear anything, but I can just bet they are doing that because I've known them my whol life - I'm the oldest).  So they're doing their very best to turn all the rest of the relatives and any friends and acquaintances against me that they can.  And my taking so long on the cookbook is as good a reason as any to turn them against me. 

I guess while I'm at it though, I'll take a stab at what I imagine they're telling people.  I surmise that they're telling people that my going so slow on this cookbook is proof that I didn't really love mom, that I didn't really care.  I never did anything and look at how much he (my middle brother in particular) did!  The fact that he did so much in contrast to my not doing anything is equivalent to saying he loved mom that much and I didn't.  Alternately. I'm just lazy.  They got their part of the things done after mom's death long ago and I still haven't gotten mine done and I just have me to take care of and I don't even work.  So I'm thinking that they're spreading all these kinds of things around. 

One thing is too that my middle brother has some things that I think would make the cookbook be more like what I think is more represantative of mom.  But he won't do anything to cooperate, because he doesn't care anyway.  In this case, then why should it even matter to him whether or not I complete the cookbook anyway.  I think some things from mom's Bible that she underlined in and wrote in would be good to use.  And as for the other brother, he just really wants the addresses that he really liked from his childhood, and I don't think he particularly cares about any of the others.  All he really cares about is what he likes.  So in this case, what's the big hurry for me to create the cook book?  I'm going to create a cook book that neither of them are really going to like.  I think I should plan the publishing of it at a time when I'm well and I'll take a trip to some place where I'm incommunicado so I don't have to deal with the complaints.

'Till next time.