Bibliography of Discussed Texts (Up to Post #358)

The following is a bibliography of the texts discussed in this blog. There are other texts and references that I cite in the blog (often via links) and also Bible texts that I'm not including here. The Biblical references are listed in another "Page."

You should be able to find these texts by doing a search for the author, although some authors appear more than once, and some discussions cover several posts as well.  The references are listed in the order they first appear in the blog, from earliest to latest.  At this point they are current up to post 358 (through the "Trust" file discussion).

I still would like to alphabetize them also, but I think the best way to do that would be to get them into my bibliographical software program, which their not in yet.  Once their in it will be a cinch to create a bibliography and put it in any order I want. I still have to do that though.


Alper, Gerald. (1994). The Puppeteers: Studies of Obsessive Control, 1st U.S. ed. New York, NY: Fromm International.

The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., v. 4. (1994). Encyclopedia Britannica: Chicago, p. 467.

Coleman, Lee. (1984) New religions and the myth of mind control. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 54(2), p. 322-325.

Galanter, M. (1989). Cults: Faith, Healing & Coercion. New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter 6: The Cult as a Social System, pp. 98-116.

Sargant, W. (1957). Battle of the Mind. Doubleday: Garden City, NY.

Lynn, R. (1966). Brainwashing techniques in leadership and child rearing. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 5(4), p. 270-273.

Kent, Stephen A. (1994) Misattribution and social control in the Children of God. Journal of Religion and Health, 33(1), p. 29-43.

Hartz, Gary W. & Everett, Henry C. (1989). Fundamentalist religion and its effect on mental health. Journal of Religion and Health, 28(3), p. 207-217.

Ungerleider, J. Thomas, & Wellisch, David K. (1979). Coercive persuasion (brainwashing), religious cults, and deprogramming. American Journal of Psychiatry, 136(3), p. 279-282.

Hyde, Margaret O. (1976). Brainwashing and Other Forms of Mind Control. New York: McGraw-Hill.6

Torrance, E. Paul. (1960). The Struggle for Men's Minds. Patterson AFB, Ohio: Orientation Group, USAF.

Kramer, Joel & Alsted, Diana. (1993) The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power. Berkeley, California : North Atlantic Books/Frog.

The Need to Konw: The Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Covert Action and American Democracy. (1992). New York: The Twentieth Century Fund Press.

Satchell, Michael. (1987, June 1) Why the secrets slip out. U.S. News & World Report, p. 20-25.

How Russia steals U.S. defense secrets. (1981, May 25). U.S. News & World Report, p. 39-41.

Dudney, Robert. (1979, Dec. 10). America: World's No. 1 Spy Target. U.S. News & World Report, p. 36-40.

Adams, J. (1994). The New Spies. London, Hutchinson, Chapter 8, "Same Old Stuff."

Smist, Jr., F. J. (1994). Congress Oversees the U.S. Intelligence Community. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.

Bittman, Ladislav. (1981). Soviet Bloc 'Disinformation' and other 'Active Measures'. In Pfaltzgraff, Jr., R.L., Ra'anan, U., & Milberd, E. (Eds.) Intelligence Policy and National Security. Hong Kong: MacMillan, p. 212-228.

Eells, R. S. F. & Nehemkis, P. (1984). Corporate Intelligence: A Blueprint for Executive Decision Making. NY, NY: Macmillan.

Dobbs, Michael. (1987. April 12). Sexpionage: Why We Can't Resist Those KGB Sirens. The Washington Post, p. D1, D2.

Citizen Espionage: Studies in Trust and Betrayal. (1993) Sarbin, Theodore R., Carney, Ralph M., & Eoyang, Carson (Eds.). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Romerstein, H. & Levchenko, S. (1989). The KGB Against the Main Enemy. Lexington, Mass. : Lexington Books.

This one is actually a special issue of the Journal of Social Issues (v. 43, no. 3, 1987) on "Covert Facilitation of Crime" with the issue editor being George Levinger.

Roberts, Karlene H., Rousseau, Denise M., La Porte, Todd R. (1994) The culture of high reliability: quantitative and qualitative assessment aboard nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, v(1), p. 141-161.

Belenk, G. (Ed.). (1987). Contemporary Studies in Combat Psychiatry. NY, NY: Greenwood Press.

Faris, John H. (1976) The impact of basic combat training: the role of the drill sergeant. In Goldman, N. L. & Segal D. R. (Egs.) The Social Psychology of Military Service. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, p. 13-24.

Lang, Kurt. (1965) Mlitary organizations. In March, J. G. (Ed.). Handbook of Organizations. Chicago: Rand McNally, p. 838ff.

U.S. Naval Education and Training Command. (1980). Module I (Human Behavior: Guidelines to Leadership and Management Training Courses. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Gray, J. L., & Starke, F. A. (1988). Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications, 4th ed. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing.

Nebeker, Delbert M. (1994) I/O and OB in the military services: past, present, and future. In Greenberg, J. (Ed.) Organizational Behavior: The State of the Science. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, p. 245-273.

Deluga, Ronald J. (1991). The relationship of leader and subordinate influencing activity in naval environments. Military Psychology, 3(1), 25-39.

Radine, Lawrence B. (1977). The Taming of the Troops: Social Control in the United States Army. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. (Contributions in Sociology, No. 2)

The Handbook of Work, Organization and Society (1976), edited by Richard Dubin. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Van Maanen, John. (1978). People processing: strategies of organizational socialization, Organizational Dynamics, 7(1), 19-36.

Louis, Meryl Reis. (1980, June) Surprise and sense making: what newcomers experience in entering unfamiliar organizational settings. Administrative Science Quarterly, 25(2), 226-251.

Feldman, Daniel Charles. (1981). The multiple socialization of organization members. Acadamy of Management Review, 6(2), 309-318.

Reichers, Arnon E. (1987) An interactionist perspective on newcomer socialization rates. Acadamy of Management Review, 12(2), 278-287.

Pascale, Richard. (1985). The paradox of "corporate culture": reconciling ourselves to socialization. California Management Review, 27(2), 26-41.

King, Ruth C., & Vikram Sethi. (1992). Socialization of professionals in high-technology firms. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 3(2), 147-168.

Jones, Gareth R. (1986). Socialization tactics, self-efficacy, and newcomers' adjustments to organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 29(2), 262-279.

Robertson, R. J. & W. T. Powers. (1990). Introduction to Modern Psychology: The Control Theory View. Gravelswitch, KY: The Control Systems Group.

Swann, Jr., William B. (1983). Self-verification: bringing social reality into harmony with the self. In Suls, J., & Greenwald, A.G., Eds., Psychological Perspectives on the Self, v. 2. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, p. 33-66.

Senge, Peter M. (1992, March/April). Mental models. Planning Review, 20(2), 4-10, 44.

Buchanan, II, Bruce. (1974, Dec.). Building organizational commitment: the socialization of managers in work organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(4), 533-546.

Weiss, Howard M. (1978). Social learning of work values in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 63(6) 711-718.

Allen, Natalie J., & Meyer, John P. (1990). Organizational socialization tactics: a longitudinal analysis of links to newcomers' commitment and role orientation. Academy of Management Journal, 33(40), 847-858.

Oberg, Kalervo. (1960). Culture shock: adjustment to new cultural environments. Practical Anthropology, 7, 177-182.

Black, J. Stewart, Mendanhall, Mark, & Oddou, Gary. (1991). Toward a comprehensive model of international adjustment: an integration of multiple theoretical perspectives. Academy or Management Review, 16(3), 291-317.

Sutton, Robert I., & Louis, Meryl Reis. (1987). How selecting and socializing newcomers influences insiders. Human Resource Management, 26(3), 347-361.

DeSalvo, Gerald L. (1992, July). Taking training to the T. Security Management, 36(7), 64-66.

Ott, J. Steven. (1991, Fall). Disentangling the rites of organizational passage. The Journal for Public Managers, 20(3), 53-56.

Starr, Jennifer A., & Fondas, Nanette. (1992). A model of entrepreneurial socialization and organization formation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 17(1), 67-76.

Miner, J. B. (1988). Organizational Behavior: Performance and Productivity. New York, NY: Random House.

Hebden, J. E. (1986, Summer). Adopting an organization's culture: the socialization of graduate trainees. Organizational Dynamics, 15(1), 54-72.

Lazarus, R. S. (1991). Emotion and Adaptation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (Chap. 9, "Social Influence", p. 349-383.

Oyserman, Daphna, & Markus, Hazel Rose. (1993). The sociocultural self. In Suls, J. (ed.). Psychological Perspectives on the Self, v. 4. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, p. 187-220.

Roberts, K. H. (1991). Organizational Behavior. Boston: PWS-Kent. (Chapter 3: Organizational Culture and Socialization: Why Workers Stay, p. 108-161)

Katz, Neil H., & Lawyer, John W. (1992). Communication and conflict - management skills: strategies for individual and systems change. In Fahey, Joseph J., & Armstrong, Richard. (Eds.). A Peace Reader: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Non-Violence and World Order, rev. ed. New York: Paulist Press, p. 258-266.

Augsburger, David W. (1992). Conflict Mediation across Cultures: Pathways and Patterns. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press.

Goss-Mayr, Hildegard. (n.d.). Active nonviolence. In de Coninck, Therese, Essays on Nonviolence.United States: The Fellowship of Reconciliation, p. 21-27.

Van Maanen, John, & Schein, Edgar H. (1979). Toward a theory of organizational socialization. Research in Organizational Behavior, 1, 209-267.

Arnet, Ronals C. (1979). Dwell in Peace: Applying Nonviolence to Everyday Relationships. Elgin, Illinois: The Brethren Press.

Miranda, José. (1974). Marx and the Bible: A Critique of the Philosophy of Oppression. (John Eagleson, Trans.). Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, p. 9.

Nadel, S. F. (1953). Social control and self-regulation. Social Forces, 31(3), 265-273.

Duncan, Robert B. (1972). Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environmental uncertainty. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(3), 313-327.

Ouchi, William G. (1979, Sept.). A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms. Management Science, 25(9), 833-848.

Argyris, Chris. (1989). The individual and the organization. In W. E. Natemeyer & J. S. Gilberg. Classics of Organizational Behavior, 2nd ed. Danville, IL: The Interstate, p. 21-34.

Zaleznik, Abraham. (1965). Interpersonal relations in organizations. In J. G. March. (Ed.). Handbook of Organizations. Chicago: Rand McNally, p. 574-613.

Moorhead, G., & Griffin, R. W. (1989). Organizational Behavior, 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Ellul, Jacques. (1986). The Subversion of Christianity. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.

Organ, D.W. (1985).  3. Accounting for OCB. In Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome. Lexington, MA : Lexington Books, p. 27ff.

Katz, Daniel (1964). The motivational basis of organizational behavior. Behavioral Science, 9, 130.

Gray, J.L. &  Starke, F.A.(1988). Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing.

 Bowditch, J. L. (1985) Chapter Eight: Macro-organizational behavior: structure, environment, organizational-environment relations. In Bowditch, J. L. A Primer on Organizational Behavior. New York, NY: John Wiley, p. 149-174.

Luthans, F. (1989). Organizational Behavior, 5h ed. N. Y., N. Y. : McGraw-Hill.

Miner, J. B. (1988). Organizational Behavior: Performance and Productivity. New York, NY: Random House.

Smircich, Linda (1983). Concepts of culture and organizational analysis.  Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 339-358

Graham, Jill W. (1991) An essay on organizational citizenship behavior. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4(4), 249-270.

Weick, Karl E. & Roberts, Karlene H. (1993). Collective mind in organizations: heedful interrelating on flight decks. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38, 357-381.

Farh, Jiing-Lih, Poksakoff, Philip, M, & Organ, Dennis W, (1990). Accounting for Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Leader Fairness and Task Scope versus Satisfaction. Journal of Management, 16(4), 705-721.

Saffold, Guy S., III. (1988). Culture traits, strengths, and organizational performance: moving beyond "strong" culture. Academy of Management Review, 13(4), 546-558.

Beresford, Brian. (1978). The House that Lenin Built. North America: European Christian Mission: [United Kingdom].

Hill, Kent R. (1989). The Puzzle of the Soviet Church. An Inside Look at Christianity and Glasnost. Oregon: Multnomah.

Woodruff, Michael J. (1991, Oct.). Understanding - and combatting - groupthink. Supervisory Management, 36, p. 8

Schneider, Benjamin. (1975). Organizational climates: an essay. Personnel Psychology, 4, 447-479.

Golden, Karen A. (1992). The individual and organizational culture: strategies for action in highly-ordered contexts. Journal of Management Studies. 29 (1), 1-21.

O'Reilly, III, Charles A., Chatman, Jennifer, Caldwell, David F. (1991). People and organizational culture: a profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization fit. Academy of Management Journal, 34 (3),  487-516.

Befus, Consance P. (1988). A multilevel treatment approach for culture shock experienced by sojourners. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 12(4), 381-400.

Abe, H. & Wiseman, R. L. (1983). A cross-cultural confirmation of the dimensions of intercultural effectiveness. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 7(1), 53-67.

Major Wallen, Vincent (1967). Military Medicine, 132(9), 722-725.

Sandhu, Daya, & Asrabadi, Badiolah R. (1994).  Development of an acculturative stress scale for international students: prelimary findings. Psychological Reports, 75, Part 2, 435-448.

Adler, Peter S. (1975). The transitional experience: an alternative view of culture shock. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 15(4), 13-23.

David, Kenneth H. (1971). Culture shock and the development of self-awareness. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 4(1), 44-48.
 Luker, Norman W. (1990). Do you trust your employees? Security Management, 34(9), 127-130.

Peterson, Joel C. (1993, Sept./Oct.). Can You Trust Your Company? Executive Female, 16(5), 69-71.

Sonnenberg, Frank K. (1993). Trust me... trust me not.  Industry Week. 242(15), 22-24, 26, 28.

Pascarella, Perry. (1993, Feb. 1). 15 ways to win people's trust. Industry Week. 242(3), 47-48, 50.
Michalos, Alex C. (1990). The impact of trust on business, international security and the quality of life. Journal of Business Ethics, 9(8), 639-653.