Saturday, September 1, 2012

437. Addresses, Pt. 7

I've felt really crummy all day.  I overdid it yesterday.  I didn't do anything I shouldn't have, like lifting or anything; it's just that I had too long of a day, was out too long, etc.  So today I've been extremely wiped out.  My legs have not been good and my feet have been tingly and my feet have not had good sensation.  So I really do need to be careful on how much I do and I need to understand that even if I'm feeling reasonably well there still are these limits on my health.  (I have several spinal stenosis, have had a couple of spinal diskectomies and fusions, in the thoracic and cervical, in recent years).  Plus I have several other conditions, like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.  The will is there, but the body is weak.  So today I'm paying for it... big time.

Back to the addresses.  I've also been proofreading recipes for the family cookbook and sort of switching off between doing things, but I'm too tired right now to proofread recipes I think, so I'll do the addresses.

Slavic Gospel Association
P.O. Box 1122
Wheaton, IL 60187
(312) 690-8900

SGA (European Office)
Postfach 110
A-1052 Wien, Austria

St. Vladimir's Press (Russian Orthodox)
575 Scarsdale Rd.
Crestwood, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
(914) 961-8313

Savez Baptisticka Crkva u SFR Jugoslaviji
4 Julia 32
47000 Karlovac

Slovacka Evangelicancka-Krscanska Cerkev A.V.
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva
Fah 182
7 Juli 5
11000 Beograd

Slavic Missionary Service, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
South River, NJ 08882
[One of the missionaries that worked with the Soviet emigrants with us in the Russian Emigre Center worked under this mission.]

The Slavic Mission
Box 15037
S-161 15 Bromma Sweden
08-25 29 75

Society of Central Asian News
30 Bucknell Ave.
Lancaster, PA 17603

Slavic Missionary Society
Box 1
Somerset, NJ

Scripture Memory Fellowship
PO Box 24551
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 569-0244

Seminarul Teologic Baptist
Stradu Berzel nr. 29-raion 16

Slezska Cirkev Evangelicka A.V.
(Selisian Evangelical Augsburg Confession)
Na Nivach 7
73701 Cesky Tesin
56 656

Slovenska Cirkev Evanjelicka A.V.
(Slovakian Evangelical Augsburg Confession)
Palisady 46
80001 Bratislava
332-842 or 331-237

Trans World Radio
560 Main St.
Chatham, NJ 07928

Taking Christ to the Millions (TCM, Inc.)
6337 Hollister Dr.
PO Box 24560
Indianopolis, IN 46224
(317) 299-0333

Underground Evangelism (U.E.)
PO Box 1 (King St.
Bedworth, Nuneaton, Warwickshire
England CV12 8LG

800 W. Colorado Blvd.
Los Angelos, CA 90041

Deutsches Mission Centrum (UE)
Postfach 1410
D-6360 Friedberg, Hess, W. Germany

Mession Chretienne Pour les Pays de l'Est (UE)
B.P. 165
F-67404 Illkirche Cedex

Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention of Canada
787 Toronto St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3E 1Z7
"Christian Herald" [This was a periodical normally published by the Soviet Baptists, but the Soviet government made publication difficult.]

Ustredi Bratsrke Jednotu Baptista
Na topolce 10
14700 Praha 4 podoli

Uniunea Comunitatilor Crestine Baptiste din RPR
Nicolai Titulescu 56/1
Sector 8
78152 Bucuresti
17 37 05

Underground Christian Missions, Inc.
1819 N. La Palmas
PO Box 1076
Hollywood, CA 90028

U.B.S. / Europe Regional Center (1984)
63 Carter Lane
London EC4V 5DY

Voices of the Future
250 West 57th St.
Ste. 1428
NY, NY 10107
1 (800) 223-1336
(friendship tours for young people)

Vsysoyuzny Sovet Yevangelskikh-Khristian Baptistov
Pokrovsky Malyi Vosovsky
PB 520

United Bible Societies Bulletin
Bible House
Balinger Str. 31
PO Box 81 03 40
D-700 Stuttgart 80
W. Germany

Wahlspruch des Brusewitz-Zentrums
Postfach 100441
Bad Oeynhausen DDR
(retreats, seminars, etc.)

Word to Russia
PO Box 846
Bryte, CA 95606
(916) 372-4610

World Missionary Press
Box 120
New Paris, IN 46553
Gospel materials in foriegn languages

World Fellowship of Slavic Evangelical Christians
PO Box 35220
Chicago, IL60635

WEC, Intl.
Gerrards Cross
Bucks SL9 8S2 England
(0044) 753-8845-31
(0044) 41-339-0172 (Mr. Strepett)

Youth With a Mission (YWAM) - Slavic Ministries
7085 Battlecreek Rd. SE
Salem, OR 97301

 Zjednoczony Kosciol Evangeliczny
ul Zagorna 10
29 52 61

That's it for the addess for now.  The other addresses have to do with either things like refugee work, individual contacts, that I decided not to share here,  and addresses for things that might be logistally useful, such as embassies to get visas, and the like.

But the average person isn't going to have a list like this by any shot of the imagination, and wouldn't have had during the 1980s either, and I expect that if anyone in the Vienna mission had anything like this list it might have been maybe the director and his secretary.  Otherwise, no one would have had this kind of knowledge and this kind of knowledge would have been strictly discouraged as part of the need to know secrety rule.

But what do you do with someone who comes with this kind of knowledge?  I certainly didn't have any of the addresses or phone numbers memorized or anything, but I had a mental map of the general layout of what what going on in missions in Eastern Europe.  It would be hard, you must admit, to take that away from me.  So if they wanted someone to come to Vienna as a tabula rasa... well then, they should never have accepted me, because there is no way I could ever be that tabula rasa.  I already knew too much before I came.