Can you see how someone who might come with the kind of preparation that might include a background that included the knowledge and opportunity to possess this contact list might not be satisfied with being a secretary in the mission? You can't just deny who I am and try to stuff me in a box! But that's exactly how I felt and then when they made it difficult for me to have a ministry in Austria I felt like they were trying to force me into being a secretary and denying that I had prepared at all for the ministry in Eastern Europe.
Bosilika Muselin
Barciceva 141III
Zagreb, Yugoslavia
(Believer - friend of Mrs. D.G. Shaw at Shorewood [a church in Chicago])
Mission to Europe's Millions
Suite 116, 1077 Fifty-Sixth St.
Delta, B.C. Canada V4L 2A2
(604) 943-0211
Brian Beresford (Bonnie Lamont)
Martyrerkirche (HMK) e.V.
HMK, Postfach 1160
D-7772 Uhldingen-muhlhofen
W. Germany
(07556) 6509 & 8337
Hans M. Braun
Mission fuer Sud-Ost Europe
5900 Siegen 21
Geisweid, Im Wiesental 48 W. Germany
(0271) 8-30-61
Missionswerk Friedenstimme e.V.
Postfach 100638
D-5278 Gummersbach 1
W. Germany
0 22 61 / 2 69 19
Methodistka Crkva (Bulgaria)
Badener Strasse 69 (P.O. Box 469)
CH-8026 Zurich, Switzerland
Magyarorszagi Egyhazak Oekumenikoas Tanocsa
(Ecumenical Council - Hungary)
Szabadsag ter 2/1
054 Budapest
Phone: 114 862
Magyarprszagi Baptista Egyhaz
Aradi utca 48
1068 Budapest
Magyarorszagi Evangelikus Egyhaz (Lutheran)
Puskan utca 12
1088 Budapest
128 656
Magyar Metodista Egyhaz
Felsoerdosor 5/II
1068 Budapest
Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz (Reformed)
Abonyi utca 21
1146 Budapest
Magyarorszagi Romai Kotolikus Edyhaz
Eotvos Lorand utca 5-7
1053 Budapest
Metodisticka Crkva
L Musickov 7
21000 Novi Sas
Mennonitengemeinder in der DDR
Donizetti St. 47
DDR 1147 Berling
Mennonite Board of Missions
Box 370
Elkhard Indiana 46515
(219) 294-7523
Mission to Europe's Missions
("Church Twinning Project")
P.O. Box 186
Myerstown, PA 17067
(Global) Missionary Radio Ministries
Box 8156, Stn. D
Ft. Wayne, IN 46898
(Global) Missionary Radio Ministries
Box 303, Stn. D
Toronto, Ont. M6P 3J9
Mission to Europe's Missions, Inc.
B3 - 223A - 10th St. NW
Calgary, Alb. T2N 1V5
(403) 283-6768
Mennonite Broadcasts: Media
Ministries MBM
1251 Virginia Ave.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Mission Possible
P.O. Box 2014
Denton, TX 76204-2014
(817) 382-1508
Magyar Church Magazine
1657 Centerview Dr.
Akron, OH 44321
Open Doors (International Headquarters)
Brother Andrews
P.O. Box 47
3859 AA Ermelo, Holland
Open Doors (British Office)
P.O. Box 6
Standlake, Witney/Oxon OX8 7SP England
Ostkirchenansschluss der EKD
D-3000 Hannover 1
(0511) 15295
Open Doors
P.O. Box 2020
Orange, CA 92669
Open Doors
Box 61, Station D
Toronto, Ont. M6P 3J5
Open Doors
Boite Postale 73
67140 Barr, France
Open Doors
Chemin de la Rosiere, 8 bis
1012 Lausanne, Switzerland
The Outreach Foundation
P.O. Box 34915
Bethesda, MD 20034
Operation Mobilization
P.O. Box 148
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Of course, I'm assuming that only the largest of these and only those that are the most mainstream might remain unchanged and even some of those might have changed. But for those familiar with mission work in that part of the world in that pre-fall of the Berlin wall era, they might remember some of these organizations and even the locations.